Idea: Nascar for pen(s)


This project envisions a digital platform where users can engage in a competitive racing experience with pen designs. Participants can submit their unique pen designs and race them against each other. Users vote on their favorite designs, and each week, the top designs are 'raced' in a virtual environment, with metrics like speed, creativity, and user engagement determining the winners. The MVP could include a simple website where users can submit designs and participate in a basic voting mechanism to see which pen design 'races' best.


  • Business: 3
  • Learning: 4
  • SideProject: 4

Rating Descriptions

Business: The idea has potential due to the niche community of pen enthusiasts and artists. However, it may face challenges in scaling and monetization. Possible revenue streams could be through merchandise, sponsorships, or premium features, but those need careful planning.

Learning: Participants would learn valuable skills in web development, UX design, and community engagement. Additionally, this project offers insights into how gamification can enhance user interaction and create competitive environments, which are useful for future entrepreneurial endeavors.

SideProject: Building a basic digital platform can be accomplished in a week, especially if utilizing existing web development templates. The initial MVP is manageable but could extend beyond one week depending on required features and polish.