Idea: Etsy for bonus(s)


This project envisions a platform where users can buy, sell, or trade company bonuses, perks, or even unused vacation days among employees within companies. The Minimum Viable Product (MVP) could involve creating a simple web application where users post available bonuses, and others can browse and express interest. Basic features could include profiles, bonus listings, a messaging system for users to negotiate, and a feedback/review system to ensure trust and safety. Testing could involve a specific company or user group for initial adoption and feedback.


  • Business: 4
  • Learning: 5
  • SideProject: 3

Rating Descriptions

Business: The concept addresses a niche market where employees may seek to maximize their benefits and perks. By tapping into the growing trend of employee engagement and corporate transparency, it has strong business potential, especially with companies looking to attract and retain talent.

Learning: This project provides invaluable learning opportunities in both technical and business facets. Founders will gain experience in building a marketplace platform, understanding user psychology, negotiating contracts, and implementing safety and review systems, all of which is highly relevant for future entrepreneurial endeavors.

SideProject: Building this as a side project could be challenging, as it requires some backend development for user authentication, listings, and a communication system. However, with a focused approach and leveraging existing technologies (like no-code tools), a basic version could potentially be created within a week.